5 best places to buy textbooks
Every time I buy my books for the upcoming semester, I feel like I'm getting ripped off by the bookstore. So I have decided that I am going to try to not buy any books there this semester, but find better deals other places. Here is a list of the 5 best places to buy used textbooks besides the bookstore.
#1. Ebay
What can't you get there?
#2. Half.com
Ebay's textbook website. You don't bid, you just buy it on there. It is competition to Amazon.
#3. Amazon.com
#4. Friends.
Often the best deal, because there is no middle man so you both get the best deal.
#5. Facebook marketplace.
I have recently discovered this. Go to your school's network page and click on it, there are great deals on everything from housing to textbooks on there.
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